FRQNT Team Research Project 2020-2021
The competition for the Fonds de Recherche Nature et Technologies Team Research Project 2020-2021 has been launched.
- To foster the emergence of new research niches in all scientific fields covered by FRQNT;
- To enhance the ability of Quebec researchers to compete in federal competitions by carrying out innovative projects;
- To promote the pooling of researchers with the complementary expertise needed to carry out a research project;
- To provide a conducive environment to high-caliber student training and supervision
Note: Only applications in research fields covered by the FRQNT are eligible.
Value and Duration:
- Operating grant: Up to $60,000 / year, for 3 years (non-renewable)
- Equipment grant: $7,001 to $50,000 (optional, all taxes included)
Team Composition:
- Teams must be composed of at least two University Researchers, Clinician Researchers, or College Researchers as described in the Common General Rules. Only University Researchers with status 1i) can be the Principal Investigator (PI). Teams may include collaborators. See section 2 of program guidelines for details.
- A researcher may only participate in ONE team, either funded or in competition, as PI.
- Researchers may participate in up to TWO teams, either funded or in competition, as regular team members. Thus, one may be a regular team member on two teams, or a PI on one team and a regular team member on another.
- Researchers may participate in any number of teams as collaborators.
- Researchers must be employed by a Quebec institution eligible to manage FRQNT funds – “établissement gestionnaire” – at the time of the application deadline (McGill is an établissement gestionnaire).
- The institution will be required to confirm the researchers’ continued employment, including relevant visas, if needed, before each installment is paid.
Submission Information:
- All application documents are to be submitted online via FRQnet.
- All regular team members will require a Canadian Common CV and the FRQNT Detailed contributions document.
- Two quotes from suppliers are also required when the cost of one piece of equipment exceeds $25,000 (including taxes).
- The applications may be submitted in English or in French. However, the title and summary of the project must be in French. If you require assistance with translation, kindly contact avril.riostorres@mcgill.ca at least one week prior to the agency deadline.
Application Guidelines:
- Guidelines
- An internal application guide will be available shortly; please contact OSR to request a copy.
OSR Contact(s):
Alison Glaser, Senior Grants and Agreements Officer, 514-398-5406
Michelle Picard-Aitken, Senior Grants and Agreements Officer, 514-398-3348
Sponsor Full Application Deadline: September 11, 2019, 4 p.m.
OSR internal deadline with mandatory OSR checklist: September 9, 2019, 10 a.m.
OSR internal review deadline (optional): August 28, 2019, 10 a.m.
For more information, see the FRQNT Team Research Project webpage.
Source: McGill Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) / FRQNT Website