One of the main goals of the MRM Network is to encourage research that seeks novel forward-looking insight and discovery in a basic understanding of biological concepts of stem cells, which translate into novel technologies and RM. In that sense, it is crucial that MRM supports our researchers in using the numerous quality platforms that have been built across the McGill network.

You will find here a list of MRM Affiliated Core Facilities across McGill research institutes and hospitals, including:


Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research

Core Facility  Description Website Contact
Flow Cytometry Facility
Provides complete flow cytometry analysis and cell sorting services in terms of experimental design, instrumentation, training, technical assistance and scientific guidance. Website Christian Young, Manager Email
High-Performance Computing
Provides expertise in structure-based drug design. Computational simulation of drug/target interactions, and identification of novel drug candidates based on the three-dimensional structure of the target. Website Jian Hui Wu, Scientific Director Email
Peptide Synthesis Laboratory
Specializes in various custom and contract services related to peptide science. Peptides are complex molecules and each peptide sequence is unique with regard to its chemical and physical properties. Website Hinyu Nedev, Manager Email
The George and Olga Minarik
Research Pathology Facility
Part of the Montreal Center for Experimental Therapeutics in Cancer (MCETC), it provides pathological and histological services to support research at the Lady Davis Institute (LDI), as well as other universities and companies. Website Naciba Benlimame, Manager
Cell Imaging Facility
Provides expertise in confocal, live cell imaging and epifluorescent microscopy to the researchers of the Lady Davis Institute as well as external researchers from academic and industry. Website Chia-Hao (Jasper) Chang, Manager
Cell Processing Center
Designed as an enabling infrastructure to support the prosecution of early phase clinical trials of cell-based therapies where processing of human cell and tissue is required as part of the study. Website Nicoletta Eliopoulos, Director
Small Animal Research Core
The mission of the Animal Resource Centre (ARC) is to facilitate the research of scientists while ensuring the highest quality of care for the animals it houses.
It offers advice and support to the LDI, JGH, McGill, and other academic and non-academic communities.
Website TBA
NanoString Gene Expression
The NanoString™ nCounter® Analysis System is a hybrid capture-based technology that allows for quantitative, highly multiplex gene expression analysis in minimal sample volumes without PCR artifacts. Website Email

Life Sciences Complex

Core Facility Description Website Contact
Advanced BioImaging Facility
State-of-the-art light microscopy: from planning to publication, broad expertise including live cell, 3D and quantitative imaging. Website Email
Imaging and Molecular
Biology Platform
(Pharmacology & Therapeutics)
The Platform is part of the Green Chemistry CFI initiative and a centralized resource for microscopy and molecular biology equipment. The platform provides instruments, training and assistance to internal and external researchers. Website Nicolas Audet, Manager Email
Surface Plasmon
Resonance – Mass Spectrometry
(Pharmacology & Therapeutics)
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR/BIACORE) for label-free, real-time protein interaction analysis. MALDI-TOF/TOF and ESI-qTOF systems for mass spectrometry (MS) applications including MALDI tissue imaging and ultra-high resolution LC-MS proteomics. Website Mark Hancock, Manager Email
TCP Infection and Inflammation Core
Provides standardized functional and outcome analysis for in vivo models of infectious and inflammatory diseases. Website Mitra Yousefi, Manager Email
Flow Cytometry
Innovation Platform
Located in the Bellini Pavilion of the Life Sciences Complex, the Core facility provides instrumentation and technical assistance to perform laser-based flow cytometric analysis, as well as providing an operator-based cell sorting service. Website Julien Leconte – Camille Stegen, Managers Email
Histology Innovation Platform
The GCI’s Histology Facility provides a full range of histology services to the McGill research community as well as the surrounding academic and private sectors at very competitive prices. Website Plinio Da Cruz – Nicole Robinson Email
Single Cell Imaging
and Mass Cytometry
Analysis Platform
The Single Cell and Imaging Mass Cytometry Platform (SCIMAP) is a core facility at the Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute (GCI) housing Fluidigm CyTOF (Cytometry by Time of Flight) mass cytometry technologies for analyzing dissociated tissues and blood (Helios) and tissue sections (Imaging Mass Cytometry (IMC) – Hyperion), with dedicated, highly qualified personnel to assist with assay development and data analysis. In collaboration with Fluidigm and via in-house optimization, SCIMAP provides validated and customizable antibody panels for detecting immune cell lineage and activation status and other phenotypes, reducing optimization time and costs. Website Yuhong Wei, Manager Email
Metabolomics Innovation
Resource (MIR)
The Goodman Cancer Institute’s metabolomics core facility consists of a large array of platforms managed in cooperation with the Metabolism and Cancer laboratories and with the guidance of the oversight committee. Website Daina Avizonis, Manager Email
McGill Integrated Core
for Animal Modeling
Mouse models of human disease are an invaluable research resource in the medical research community. At the McGill Integrated Core for Animal Modeling (MICAM), we offer various services related to animal model generation and maintenance. Website Mitra Cowan, Manager Email
McGill Platform for
Cellular Perturbation
The McGill Platform for Cell Perturbation (MPCP) provides all McGill researchers with low-cost and rapid access to the latest functional genetic tools for biological research. The mission of the MPCP is to support functional investigations of mammalian genomes by providing McGill researchers with complementary means of genetic perturbation that can be applied in order to understand gene function. These comprehensive technological platforms include arrayed and sequence-verified lentiviral genome-wide shRNA (gene suppression), cDNA (for gene overexpression) and CRISPR (for gene knockout/editing; human) libraries. These collections, in arrayed bacterial glycerol stocks, offer a renewable resource for diverse customized screening or testing of individual genes of interest across the human and mouse genomes. Website Jutta Steinberger, Manager Email
Bioinformatics Core
Technology Platform
The Canadian Centre for Computational Genomics (C3G) has partnered with the Goodman Cancer Research Institute (GCI) to setup and operate a bioinformatics hub at the GCI. The said hub will:
– Provide on-demand bioinformatics analysis services to participating GCRC researchers.
– Identify training needs and organize training events at the GCRC
– Offer advice and guidance on bioinformatics topics to GCRC researchers through consultations and office hours.
Website Alain Pacis, Manager Email

McGill Genome Centre

Core Facility Description  Website Contact
McGill Advanced
Therapies Research
and Education Centre
MATREC is a core platform that bridges preclinical research and clinical implementation of advanced therapies by providing specialized training and access to a clean room while ensuring adherence to current good manufacturing practices (cGMP). Located at the McGill Centre for Genomics, MATREC’s facilities include an ISO7 cleanroom, ISO8 access rooms, and a declassified quality control area, supporting the production of human cells, tissues, and derivatives for clinical applications. Website MATREC Email
McGill Applied Genomics
Innovation Core
Under the auspices of the platform termed the McGill Applied Genomics Innovation Core (MAGIC), the McGill Genome Centre houses state-of-the-art equipment and multidisciplinary expertise to produce, manage and interpret large amounts of genomics data generated at low cost and with high quality. Website MAGIC Email
(Animal Behavioural
Provides support and all services for the characterization of rodent behaviour (discomfort (physical and emotional), motor skills, cognition…) including experimental design, expertise, training, staffing, scientific consulting and access to equipment and workspace* (conditions may apply). Website Magali Millecamps, Coordinator Email



Core Facility Description  Website Contact
Canadian Centre for
Computational Genomics
The Canadian Centre for Computational Genomics (C3G) provides bioinformatics analysis and High Performance Computing services for the life science research community. It has created a distributed innovation node with broad expertise in bioinformatics, providing customized and case-by-case analysis services as well as an extensive suite of software solutions for the genomics community. Website François Lefebvre,
Bioinformatics Manager

The Neuro

Core Facility Description  Website Contact
Early Drug Discovery Unit (EDDU)
We combine our capabilities with those of our partners to:

  • Use iPSCs and iPSC-derived neurons to study the molecular basis of neurological diseases
  • Develop new tools and technology in disease modelling and target engagement that will help to identify potential therapies
  • Translate newly developed assays onto an automated high-throughput platform that can be integrated with preclinical drug screens
Website NeuroEDDU Email


Research Institute of the McGill University Health Center

Core Facility Description  Website Contact
Cellular Therapy Laboratory
The mission of the Cellular Therapy Laboratory (CTL) is to ensure high quality services provided by and for future patients for transplantations or treatment through approved clinical research protocols. The services provided by the CTL are the supervision of products’ collection, its evaluation, processing, cryopreservation, release, thawing, distribution and long-term follow up. The manipulated products are cord blood, cord tissue, adipose tissue and human whole blood from autologous and allogeneic related and unrelated recipients. TBA Linda Peltier, Manager Email



Core Facility Description Website Contact
Bringing together high-quality biospecimens and data to advance biomedical research Website Nick Bertos, Manager Email
Computational medicine core to enhance research and clinical applications in genomics Website Joël Lafond-Lapalme, Manager Email
Containment Level 3
A state-of-the-art, multipod facility for studies of tuberculosis, influenza and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Website Fiona McIntosh, Manager Email
Drug discovery
Structure-based drug design, synthesis and analytical support to discover promising new therapeutics Website Sanjoy Kumar Das, Manager Email
Accelerating disease research via specimen processing in order to visualize biological structures and molecules within tissues Website Fazila Chouiali, Manager Email
Creating new research opportunities through advances in cell sorting and analytical flow cytometry Website Marie-Hélène Lacombe, Manager Email
Molecular Imaging
High-end microscopy for advanced biomedical research: from molecules to animal imaging Website Min Fu, Manager Email
Advanced instrumentation and workflows to identify and quantify proteins, and to detect biomolecular changes in health and disease Website Lorne Taylor, Manager Email
Small Animal Imaging Labs
A comprehensive technology suite for non-invasive imaging of animal models to create holistic pictures of diseases Website Mathieu Simard, Manager Email


The brochure and the list of equipment in each platform are available for download.

Download the brochure

Download the list of equipments


Core Facility Description  Website Contact
Human Islet Transplant Laboratory
The Human Islet Transplant Laboratory is able to offer researchers around the world with a vast selection of terminally derived pancreatic tissue. Website Marco Gasparrini, Manager Email


The brochure is available for download.

Download the brochure


Strathcona Anatomy and Dentistry Building


Core Facility Description  Website Contact
Bone Imaging and Biomechanics
The Imaging and Biomechanics Platform offers services, training and consultation in a wide variety of techniques for evaluating mineralized tissue and biomaterials. Website Brenda Lee Email


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