TMM2019 : Results of the Special Travel Awards competition
The MRM Network is pleased to announce the results of the TMM2019 Special Travel Awards competition.
This year, the MRM Network partnered with the Stem Cell Network to support the registration of 16 MRM Network Trainees to the 2019 Till & McCulloch Meetings that will take place in Montreal, November 4-6, 2019.
Each submitted abstract was evaluated by the TMM2019 Evaluation Committee and the 16 best ranked MRM Trainees were selected to be awarded a grant that will cover their registration fees.
It is with great pleasure that we announce the 16 Awardees:
- Omar Bashth, M.Sc., Dr. Corinne Hoesli’s Lab
- Scott Bell, B.Sc., Dr. Carl Ernst’s Lab
- Daren Blackburn, M.Sc., Dr., Vahab Soleimani’s Lab
- Kyla Bourque, B.Sc., Prof. Terry Hébert’s Lab
- Audrey Burban, Ph.D., Dr. Arezu Jahani-Asl’s Lab
- Osama ElKashty, M.D., Dr. Simon Tran’s Lab
- Ryo Fujita, Ph.D., Dr. Colin Crist’s Lab
- Ishtiaque Hossain, B.Sc., Dr. William Pastor’s Lab
- Solene Jamet, M.Sc., Dr. Colin Crist’s Lab
- Malvin Jefri, M.Sc., Dr. Carl Ernst’s Lab
- Sin Young Kwon, B.Sc., Dr. William Pastor’s Lab
- Felicia Lazure, B.Sc., Dr. Vahab Soleimani’s Lab
- Yun Hsiao Lin, B.Sc., Dr. Anastasia Nijnik’s Lab
- Rose Psaroudis, B.Sc., Dr. Inés Colmegna’s Lab
- Ahmad Sharanek, Ph.D., Dr. Arezu Jahani-Asl’s Lab
- Raymond Tran, MASc., Dr. Corinne Hoesli’s Lab
We would like to congratulate all the winners and participants in this competition.
Stay tuned for more funding opportunities for trainees !
The 2019 Till & McCulloch Meetings (TMM2019) will take place in Montréal, Québec, November 4-6, 2019.
Early Bird Registration closes on August 14, 2019
Online Registration closes on October 9, 2019
The 2019 Till & McCulloch Meetings are hosted by the Stem Cell Network and CCRM.
More information