New MRM Emergency Fund

As we are deeply aware that the current crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on academic research, the MRM Network has decided, through its Executive Committee, to relocate unspent “travel awards and similar allocations” to an emergency fund to help its members.

We have set aside $100,000 of the current balance of our funds to provide immediate support to the MRM investigators and their laboratories. We have identified three ways to help MRM researchers:

  • The MRM emergency laboratory fund
  • The MRM support program for affiliated core facilities
  • The MRM support program for Canadian Stem Cell Network Grant Applications

The MRM emergency laboratory fund

We do realize that postdoctoral fellows and graduate students are amongst those most affected by the suspension of research activities on campus. With that in mind, the MRM Network is launching a call for principal investigators, members of the MRM, in urgent need for operating funds geared towards maintaining students and postdocs whose stipends or fellowship has ended during the crisis.

As the available funds are limited, the applications will be reviewed by the MRM Executive Committee to ensure we help as many members as we can.


To apply, the Principal Investigator should provide by email the following:

  • Student CV
  • A short document (1 to 2 pages) describing the student’s current project and how he/she was affected by the crisis
  • A list of current operating funds


Eligibility criteria

  • The Principal Investigator must be a current MRM member
  • The student’s stipend or fellowship is ending between March and June 2020


Deadline for application is May 25, 2020 (11:59 PM).


The MRM support program for affiliated core facilities

In addition, the MRM Network is opening the possibility for MRM-affiliated core facilities to apply for a financial support for initiatives aiming at purchasing or developing tools to help remote work for staff and users (e.g. bioinformatics software, web interface…) or to help cover unexpected costs of the coming reopening of the cores (e.g. specific reagents, unaccounted servicing of equipments, etc.).

To apply, the core facility Manager or Director must send by email a description of the proposed project including a detailed budget with associated quotes if relevant.

Deadline for application is May 25, 2020 (11:59 PM).


The MRM support program for Canadian Stem cell Network Grant Applications

Lastly, we have partnered with MRM members applying to the Stem Cell Network National Research Competition by committing to provide in-kind support for all six MRM members applying to this program. In addition, for the 4 researchers applying to the Innovation Research Program for early-career investigators, we will fund half-studentships of a value of $10,000 for each successful application.


For any question regarding one of these programs, please contact us at

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