New MRM-Mi4 Collaborative Seed Fund Grant
The MRM Network and the McGill Interdisciplinary Initiative in Infection and Immunity (MI4) are happy to announce that they are joining forces to create a new Collaborative Seed Fund Grant (SFG) Competition.
This grant will support a new health research project focusing on stem cell or regenerative medicine within the domains of either infection or immunity. The MRM-MI4 SFG aims to catalyze innovative and impactful research at McGill and its affiliated hospitals, by providing initial funding to help position a new project to become competitive for sustained external funding. This opportunity provides one-time funding of up to $50,000 for a 12-month project.
MRM-MI4 Collaborative Seed Fund Grant
For more details about the Grant and the application procedure, please see the Request for Proposals.
Key dates
Launch of MRM-MI4 SFG: May 4, 2021
SFG application deadline: June 4, 2021, 11:59 PM Eastern Time
Evaluation period: June 5, 2021 to June 30, 2021 (TBC)
SFG announcement to applicants: July 2021 (date TBC)
Objectives of the MRM-MI4 SFG
To support a preliminary or proof-of-concept study by the research team that will position them to secure external funding. The goal is to seed new research, not to replace conventional sources of funding for already-established programs and teams, or serve as bridge funding for established programs.
The MRM-MI4 SFG supports innovative approaches that will provide answers within a 12-month timeframe. These projects should focus on infection or immunity AND stem cell or regenerative medicine.
Team Composition
The MRM-MI4 SFG can be held at any McGill University Department or McGill University-affiliated Research institute. An investigator’s location is defined as the primary location where their research team is located. The inclusion of other McGill community investigators as collaborators is encouraged, but only one Principal Investigator is permitted. The Principal Investigator or one of the designated collaborators must be a member of the McGill Regenerative Medicine Network. Investigators external to the McGill community are welcome to join the project team as collaborators, but may not be Principal Investigators.
Subcontracts to investigators outside McGill University and its affiliated institutions are only permitted under exceptional, well-justified conditions, subject to MRM and MI4 approval.
The Principal Investigator must meet the conditions of University Researcher or Clinical University Researcher as defined by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (frqs-generales-communes). In accordance with McGill policies, a researcher devotes more than 50% of their time to research and teaching.
The Principal Investigator must hold a McGill appointment.
Available Funds and Grant Term
One award is available up to a maximum of $50,000 in value. All funds will be disbursed in one payment at the start of the project. The grant term is 12 months. The MRM-MI4 SFG award is non-renewable and unspent funds must be returned to the source from which the funds originated (either MRM or MI4) at the end of this period.
Submission Deadline and Procedure
The deadline for submissions is June 4, 2021 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time.
All applications must be submitted by email in PDF format to grantsmcgilli4.med@mcgill.ca, copying mrm.coordinator@mcgill.ca and mi4programmgr.med@mcgill.ca. Please include “MRM-MI4 SFG” in the email subject line.
To consult the complete submission package, please see the Request for Proposals.
Additional Information
If additional information is required to complete the MRM-MI4 SFG submission, please contact mrm.coordinator@mcgill.ca or admincoordmcgilli4.med@mcgill.ca. Generally, a response will be provided within one business day.