ThéCell Research Projects 2022-2023
The Quebec Cell, Tissue and Gene Therapy Network (ThéCell) launches the new edition of its Research Projects for the year 2022-2023.
ThéCell Research Projects are one-time research proposals in cell, tissue and gene therapy, aimed at exploring a research hypothesis, demonstrating the feasibility of a study, or carrying out translational research. This project should logically lead to the achievement of results that allow researchers to apply for a more elaborate grant from granting agencies other than the FRQS (e.g. CIHR) and/or to various foundations or broader clinical studies.
The MRM Network is pleased to announce that we are partnering with the ThéCell Network to fund an additional project during this competition. This project must be led by a researcher who is a member of both the MRM and ThéCell networks who will collaborate with researchers from the ThéCell Network from an institution other than McGill University.
If you would like to inquire about your current status with respect to both networks, please contact Dr. Marine Christin for the MRM Network and Friederike Pfau for the ThéCell Network.
ThéCell Research Projects 2022-2023
- Develop collaborative research to accelerate the transfer of knowledge in the field of cell, tissue and gene therapy.
- Increase resources in the field of cell, tissue and gene therapy research and facilitate its use.
- Promote scientific exchanges between disciplines and institutions. In particular, Canadian and international networking is a priority for the 2022-2023 competition.
- Target this research to issues that limit the transfer of basic knowledge to the clinic.
Annual budget, amount and grant duration
The financial support of a ThéCell Research Project is granted for 1 year. Eligible expenses are those allowed by the FRQS for the operation of the networks. The maximum budget allocated per project is $50,000.00 and will depend on the funds allocated by the FRQS for the fiscal year concerned.
Only regular researchers of the ThéCell Network, recognized as such by the ThéCell Network, can apply as principal investigator. They may, however, solicit collaborations from researchers and clinicians not directly associated with the Network as long as the money granted to ThéCell regular members is spent in Quebec in institutions recognized by the FRQS.
Projects must promote interactions between researchers from different universities (minimum of 3 researchers who are regular members of ThéCell from 2 different universities/institutions). Projects focused on one of the themes prioritized by the ThéCell Network will be promoted. The integration of clinical, evaluative and fundamental research is also desirable, as is the involvement of patients and citizens.
These themes are cell, tissue or gene therapies related to:
- Musculoskeletal and nervous systems
- Cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal and digestive systems
- Skin and ocular systems
- Hematology, oncology and immunology
Key dates
Letter of intent submission deadline: Thursday, January 13, 2022
Full application submission deadline: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 (midnight)
Announcement of the competition results: April 2022
For any questions relating to the scientific content of the ThéCell Research Project application, do not hesitate to contact Pr. Corinne Hoesli, member of the MRM and ThéCell Executive Committees.
For information related to the submission of the application, please contact Friederike Pfau.