Results of the Lucie Besner Travel Awards Competition – Summer 2022
The MRM Network is pleased to announce the results of the Summer 2022 Lucie Besner Travel Awards competition.
The Lucie Besner Travel Awards support national and international presence of the MRM Trainees. Over the Summer 2022 Competition, the MRM Network is awarding seven prizes of $500 to cover for travel and/or registration fees. Each submitted application was evaluated by the MRM Prizes and Awards Committee.
It is with great pleasure that we announce the 7 Awardees:
- Danielle Karo-Atar
- Andrew Song
- Jessica Pei
- Charlotte Sénéchal
- Hovy Ho-Wai Wong
- Isabella Iasenza
- Jeremy Zwaig
- Danielle Karo-Atar, Postdoctoral Fellow in Irah King’s Lab (Microbiology and Immunology)
- Andrew Song, Ph.D. Candidate in Gregor Andelfinger’s Lab (Anatomy & Cell biology)
- Jessica Pei, Ph.D. Candidate in Samantha Gruenheid’s Lab (Microbiology and Immunology)
- Charlotte Sénéchal, Ph.D. Candidate in Colin Crist’s Lab (Human Genetics)
- Hovy Ho-Wai Wong, Postdoctoral Fellow in Jesper Sjöström’s Lab (Medicine, Neurology & Neurosurgery)
- Isabella Iasenza, Ph.D. Candidate in Kolja Eppert’s Lab (Medicine)
- Jeremy Zwaig, Master Candidate in Renzo Cecere’s Lab (Experimental Surgery)
Congratulations to all of you!
This competition would not be possible without the generosity of Mme. Lucie Besner, patron sponsor of the Travel Awards, and the MRM Prizes and Awards Committee members who took the time to evaluate all of the applications received.
If you are planning to present your work at a scientific meeting, either virtual or in-person, between February 2023 and July 2023, stay tuned for the upcoming Lucie Besner Travel Awards Competition (opening in early January).