Register for the 2024 MRM Symposium!
It’s time to register for the 2024 MRM Symposium!
The symposium will be held on May 31, 2024, at the McIntyre Medical Sciences Building. This year’s event features a keynote lecture from Dr. Peter Zandstra (University of British Columbia).
The MRM Symposium brings together basic researchers, clinicians, and trainees from within the McGill Regenerative Medicine community.
A preliminary program and registration link can be found on the event’s webpage.
Registration is free for all MRM Members and their trainees and includes lunch and access to a wine & cheese networking session – Hurry up ! Spaces are limited
Seize this opportunity to share your work, discover the most innovative research in regenerative medicine at McGill, build new collaborations and network for job opportunities. Please join us, we look forward to an exciting day of celebrating stem cells and regenerative medicine research at McGill!
We encourage all MRM trainees to submit an abstract for a poster presentation.
Please select if you wish to be considered for an oral presentation. Abstracts will be reviewed by a special committee consisting of MRM researchers and trainees from various research fields.
Top-ranked abstracts will be selected for oral presentations in the three categories (I – Ethics, Policy, and Clinical Translation; II – Bioengineering; and III – Fundamental Mechanisms). Applicants will be notified by April 30, 2024.
Do not miss the chance to win one of the 3 prizes for best poster presentation ($500 travel awards) and the prize for best oral presentation ($1,000 travel award)!
The deadline to submit your abstract is March 15, 2024.