Planning on applying for the SCN 2022-2025 Research Funding Competition?
The MRM Network is happy to announce that it will partner with MRM members applying to the Stem Cell Network National Research Competition by committing to provide in-kind support for their application.
If you are interested in a support letter from the MRM to strengthen your application, please contact us at mrm@mcgill.ca by Wednesday, November 24.
To best support its members, the MRM offers them to have their applications reviewed by peers before submission. We have grouped several MRM researchers, all experts in their field, that you could choose from to get feedback on your application.
If you are interested in having your application reviewed, you can contact us at mrm@mcgill.ca by Friday, November 19 and we will communicate the potential reviewers you could select.
Please note that you will have to send a draft of your application by November 19, 2021, to get comments before SCN’s full application submission deadline (December 1, 2021).
If you are not applying to this round but are willing to be part of the peer-review process, please reach out at mrm@mcgill.ca.
The Stem Cell Network launched a new multimillion-dollar national research funding competition to support world-class, translational, regenerative medicine research, across the research continuum, to facilitate health, social and economic benefits for Canadians.
This new competition will open Wednesday, September 1, 2021, and support research activities during the 2022 to 2025 time period. Seven regenerative medicine research programs will be available that focus on career development, innovation, clinical translation, policy and societal impact, commercialization and transformative technology development.
The seven programs available are:
- Early Career Researcher Jump Start Awards: SCN will provide up to $300,000 for early career researchers (within the first five years of an initial academic appointment) to develop a research program with a regenerative medicine focus.
- Impact Awards: SCN will provide up to $250,000 to support proof-of-principle experiments, including novel therapeutic or technical approach development that will drive regenerative medicine therapies forward.
- Clinical Trial Awards: SCN will provide up to $1,000,000 to support early-stage clinical trial projects with high translational potential.
- Translation & Society Teams Award: SCN will provide up to $750,000 to support high-calibre ELSI research teams to undertake innovative, high-impact research that facilitates regenerative medicine for the benefit of society.
- Knowledge Translation Awards: SCN will provide up to $200,000 to support the knowledge translation of regenerative medicine research for targeted stakeholders and/or users.
- Fueling Biotechnology Partnerships Awards: SCN will provide up to $400,000 to support academic partnerships with emerging Canadian regenerative medicine biotechnology companies to bring innovative technologies or therapies to the clinic or market.
- Horizon Awards: SCN will provide up to $3,000,000 to fuel national multi-disciplinary teams focused on developing transformative technology solutions for tackling significant regenerative medicine challenges.
Full application submission deadline is Wednesday, December 1, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. PT