Upcoming CATTI-MRM Cell Therapy Bootcamp

The MRM is excited to partner with the Canadian Advanced Therapies Training Institute (CATTI) to…

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Results of the 2023 MRM Photo Contest

Congratulations to Neha Dinesh, Ph.D. Candidate in Dieter Reinhardt’s lab, and Ziyi Li, Master candidate in Ajitha…

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Sign up for the MRM Graduate Mentorship Program – Winter 2024

The MRM Trainee Committee is accepting applications for the next round of matching for the…

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Stem cell-based treatment controls blood sugar in people with type 1 diabetes

An innovative stem cell-based treatment for type 1 diabetes can meaningfully regulate blood glucose levels…

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Call for MRM co-hosted seminars

The MRM Network wants to encourage in-person seminars at McGill that feature speakers working in…

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SCN – Scientific Founders Program

A 5-Day Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for SCN Researchers. Delivered through the Health to Business Bridge (H2BB™)…

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Submit your entry to the 2023 edition of the MRM Network Photo Contest

The MRM Photo Contest focuses on finding an original and creative image that would represent…

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Scaling up stem cell-derived organoid biomanufacturing

Imagine a world where an unlimited number of organs were available for transplantation and research….

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