CellCAN Good Manufacturing Practice Workshop
The number of good manufacturing practice (GMP) facilities is growing in Canada with the rapid progressions in cell therapy. This has created a need for well-trained highly qualified personnel (HQP), as working under GMP conditions and requirements for GMP manipulations are regulated and quite different than in standard research laboratories. In this course, the attendees will learn the essentials of GMP requirements from experts illustrated by several experiences from actual clinical trials. The workshop is a mixture of lectures and hands-on training. Participants will actually perform manipulations according to the GMP standards. Moreover, attendees will have the chance to experience the workflow in a GMP facility and learn how a GMP cell therapy facility is organized. The ongoing regulatory review and what to expect will also be presented and discussed.
Who Should Attend?
This workshop on Good Manufacturing Practice is designed for cell biologists, technologists, research scientists, process engineers and trainees (and other end users) who are working or plan to work in areas associated with the manufacturing of cell therapies, or want to expand their knowledge on advancing cell therapy projects towards the clinic. The outcome from this unique workshop will be the transfer of advanced knowledge creating a foundation of GMP-based know-how for the next generation of HQP.
November 17-18-19, 2019
Centre d’Excellence en Thérapie Cellulaire (CETC) at Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital, 5415 L’Assomption Boulevard, Montreal (Quebec) H1T 2M4