MRM Career Development Networking Series: Part 1 – Industry
To explore non-academic career options that have played vital roles in structuring an interdisciplinary field of regenerative medicine, the MRM Trainee Committee will host a Career Development Q&A Panel Discussion and Networking Event.
At this event, you will meet successful and outstanding leaders in the field of synthetic immunotherapy, innovative medical devices, and world-class biotechnology. You will have a face-to-face opportunity to ask them questions and learn about the cornerstones in their career paths and their advice for the young generation of scientists in regenerative medicine. After the panel discussion, light refreshments, including wine and cheese will be provided for social networking.
This event will be held on October 24, 2022, from 5:00 to 7:00 P.M. in Room 5 of the Frank Dawson Adams Building (3450 University Street).
Places are limited!
Register by October 20, 2022, 11:59 P.M.
We encourage you to wear business casual or casual and we look forward to meeting you.
For other event-related questions, please contact us at
André Tremblay
VP of Agile Product Development
Claudia Penafuerte Diaz
Co-Founder & CEO
Cura Therapeutics
Claudia Raggi
Co-Founder & CTO
Morphocell Technologies Inc.
Marie Mutabaruka
Account Manager, Immunology
STEMCELL Technologies
Anne Weber-Ouellette
Account Manager, Cell Culture
STEMCELL Technologies