MRM Talks 2023 : Dre Nicole Li-Jessen et Patrick Coburn


The MRM Network presents: the MRM Talks. Rejoignez-nous pour en apprendre plus sur les cellules souches et la médecine régénérative. Notre série de webinaires mettra en lumière d’éminents scientifiques dans ce domaine, notamment des chercheurs du MRM et des conférenciers invités.

Lors de chaque webinaire, nous aurons également l’occasion de mettre en avant le travail d’un·e étudiant·e du MRM qui présentera en compagnie du conférencier principal.

Dans cette édition des MRM Talks:

Dre Nicole Li-Jessen,
Professeure agrégée, École des sciences de la communication humaine, Université McGill
Chaire de recherche du Canada (niveau 2) en médecine personnalisée des troubles de la voix

“Biology digitization? Lessons learnt from modeling multicellular systems of vocal fold injury and regeneration.”




Patrick Coburn,
Étudiant au doctorat dans le laboratoire Li-Jessen,
Université McGill

“The Development of a Vocal Fold On-a-Chip to Evaluate the Impact of Particulate Matter Air Pollution on the Vocal Fold Mucosa”

Jeudi 23 Novembre 2023


Vous avez manqué la présentation ? Vous pouvez la revoir sur notre Chaîne Youtube. IMPORTANT : Cette vidéo n’est accessible qu’aux membres MRM. Veuillez nous contacter à pour vérifier votre statut et demander l’accès à l’enregistrement.


À propos des conférenciers :

Nicole Li-Jessen, Ph.D., is a speech-language pathologist and a computer biologist by training. She obtained her clinical degree at the University of Hong Kong with extensive clinical experience in voice and swallowing disorders. She then pursued her Ph.D. training in computational biology at the University of Pittsburgh and post-doctoral training in tissue engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the United States. She is Canada Research Chair (tier 2) in personalized medicine of upper airway health and diseases. She received the Rosemary Wedderburn Brown Prize in 2017 and the Principal’s Prize for Excellence in Teaching in 2018.
Dr. Li-Jessen’s Voice and Upper Airway Research Laboratory focuses on advancing personalized medicine in voice and upper airway disorders through the development of high-performance computing, wearable devices, non-invasive diagnostics and biomaterials for tissue regeneration. In particular, her team integrates in vitro, in vivo and in silico (computational) approaches to study vocal fold biology and wound healing. The ultimate goal is to guide surgeons and speech pathologists in the best methods to repair voices that have been lost.
Dr. Li-Jessen is the National Coordinator (Canada) of World Voice Day. She and her students from the Speech Language Pathology Clinical Program organize year-round outreach activities to raise the public awareness of vocal care. They provide free voice consultation, research seminars and voice workshops for public and professional voice users such as teachers, singers and public speakers. They also provide free voice workshops to transgender populations in Montreal for their voice and communication transition. At present, Dr. Li-Jessen is the Chair of Widening Participation Committee (Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences) with the mission of enhancing the diversity of student body within health professional programs at McGill. She is dedicated to promote diversity, cultural competence and social accountability in health professions education.

Patrick Coburn graduated from the University of Manchester where he received his M.Eng. in biomedical materials science (2015). He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at McGill University in the laboratory of Dr. Li-Jessen. His current research interests focus on studying the interaction of the vocal folds with air pollution using in vitro microfluidic testing platforms


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