Stem Cells from the Sofa Speaker Series: Dr. Jim Woodgett
Dans ce volet de la série Stem Cells from the Sofa, le Dr. Jim Woodgett, Directeur de la Recherche à l’Institut de recherche Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum, discutera de la réouverture des laboratoires après que les restrictions mises en place en réponse à la crise de la COVID-19 soit levées.
Research has largely been shut down since the middle of March but there are increasing signs not only of buds on trees but plans for restoration of research activities. This needs to be carefully planned and depends on a number of factors that aren’t necessarily obvious. What are labs and research institutes doing to restore sanity in our pets and what can I do to help? Jim will discuss the processes the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute is going through, the conditions and why the return environment will not be the same as when we left it seemingly 10 years ago.
Les webinaires Stem Cells from the Sofa consistent en une présentations de 20 minutes suivie d’une session de questions, ouverte à tous les participants. Public visé : scientifiques, étudiants et professionnels de la recherche.
Heure: 13 Mai, 2020 13h heure de l’Est (ÉU et Canada)