2022 MRM Talks: Dr. Terry Hébert and Kyla Bourque
The MRM Network presents: the MRM Talks. Join us every fourth Thursday at noon to learn more about stem cells and regenerative medicine. The webinar series will feature leading scientists in the field, including MRM Principal Investigators and external guest speakers.
For each seminar, we will also highlight the work of one MRM Trainee, who will present alongside our guest speaker.
In this edition of the MRM Talks:
Dr. Terry Hébert,
Professor and Graduate Program Director, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
Canadian Pacific Chair in Biotechnology
Assistant Dean, Biomedical Science Education, McGill University
Director, MRM Network
“Using iPSCs to track disease evolution and therapeutic responses one cell at a time”
Kyla Bourque,
Ph.D. Candidate in Prof. Terry Hébert’s Lab
McGill University
“Single-cell profiling of signalling networks in primary neonatal cardiomyocytes and iPSC-CMs”
THURSDAY, January 27, 2022
12:00 – 1:00 PM
Missed the presentation? You can catch up on our Youtube Channel.
About the speakers:
Dr. Terry Hébert has a long track record in understanding the biology of GPCRs and G proteins, with an emphasis on oligomerization, signalling complex assembly and localization to the nucleus. Current research focuses on ontogeny, formation and trafficking of GPCR signalling complexes to understand the architecture, wiring and integration of individual GPCR signalling pathways at the cell surface and the nucleus. His work has had multiple impacts. First, his core basic science studies have advanced our understanding of the assembly of GPCR signalling complexes, the presence and function of such complexes on the nuclear membrane and entirely new roles for G proteins as transcriptional regulators. Second, an innovation track has led to the development of numerous new biosensors that capture the signalosomes of GPCRs in different contexts. This has also seen the development of a second type of biosensor that tracks GPCR conformation, which is unique to his lab. Finally, a clinical translation track has evolved including collaborative work on the development of biased allosteric modulators for the PGF2α receptor to delay pre-term labour and the testing of GPCR dimers as therapeutic targets in cardiovascular disease. His lab’s new focus on GNB1 mutations, iPSCs and in vivo use of their biosensors has opened productive new vistas for their work in cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurodevelopmental disorders and Parkinson’s Disease.
Kyla Bourque is a 6th year Ph.D. candidate in Dr. Terry Hébert’s laboratory. One aspect of her thesis focuses on comparing the signalling events in primary versus iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes. She is also interested in understanding how signalling modalities change as a consequence of disease and she is currently assessing this in iPSC-CMs derived from patients diagnosed with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.
We want to hear from you, and we welcome your suggestions for speakers!
If you are interested in hosting an invited speaker, please get in touch with us.