Results of the Lucie Besner Travel Awards Competition – Winter 2023

The MRM Network is pleased to announce the results of the Winter 2023 Lucie Besner…

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The Lucie Besner Travel Awards Competition is open

The Lucie Besner Travel Awards support national and international presence of the MRM Trainees. The 2023…

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Results of the Lucie Besner Travel Awards Competition – Summer 2022

The MRM Network is pleased to announce the results of the Summer 2022 Lucie Besner…

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MRM Abstract Competition Award Winners for TMM2022

The MRM Network is pleased to announce the results of the MRM Abstract Competition Award…

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The Lucie Besner Travel Awards Competition is open

The Lucie Besner Travel Awards support national and international presence of the MRM Trainees. The 2022…

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Travel Awards for the 2022 Till & McCulloch Meeting

The MRM Network is pleased to partner again with the Stem Cell Network to sponsor four…

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Results of the Lucie Besner Travel Awards Competition – Winter 2022

The MRM Network is pleased to announce the results of the Winter 2022 Lucie Besner…

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The Lucie Besner Travel Awards Competition is open

While the current situation still does not allow us to travel as before, lots of…

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