MRM Insights: do you want to share your knowledge and your thoughts?
Last year, the MRM Network has launched the MRM Insights, for which each month, a member of the MRM is writing about stem cells and regenerative medicine from a different perspective. These editorial pieces met with great success as the articles are the most visited pages on our website.
Do you like to write? Are you interested in talking about your research project,
a new technique in the field or even about your scientific process? We would love to hear from you!
Today, we are inviting our PI members to contribute to the MRM Insights for the 2021-2022 edition. If you are a graduate student, you can pair with your supervisor to submit your contribution.
You can contact us at mrm@mcgill.ca or fill this short form below.
You can also have a look at the quality and variety of the articles published last year:
May 2020: How gut stem cells are joining the fight against COVID-19, by Dr. Alex Gregorieff
June 2020: Is there a role for cell therapy in SARS-CoV-2 infection?, by Dr. Inés Colmegna and Prof. Michel Tremblay
July 2020: Ethical conduct of pay-to-participate trials, by Amanda MacPherson and Me. Erika Kleiderman
August 2020: When will we find a cure for diabetes – or how i learned to stop worrying and love the scientific method, by Prof. Corinne Hoesli
September 2020: The rise and fall…. and rise again of brain organoids, by Dr. Thomas Durcan
October 2020: Privacy and confidentiality in human stem cell research – finding the right balance, by Michael Beauvais
November 2020: Modelling cardiomyopathies and rare diseases using patient-derived iPSCS, by Prof. Terry Hébert
December 2020: Stem cells pave the way for new treatments for rare neurodevelopmental diseases, by Dr. Carl Ernst
January 2021: The long and winding road: human germline genome editing, by Me. Erika Kleiderman
February 2021: Regenerative medicine based strategies that stimulate endogenous repair, by Dr. Colin Crist and Charlotte Sénéchal
Illustrative Image: Business photo created by dashu83 – www.freepik.com